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Track Your SWIFT Payment

GPI Tracker For Cross-Border Money Transfers

3 Steps to Track Your SWIFT Payment

1. Ask your bank for a payment confirmation, MT103 preferrably.

2. Find UETR, Reference #, amount, currency and value date as per scheme below.

3. Check the SWIFT status in our one and only independent SWIFT tracker.

MT103 fields for SWIFT tracking online

Read more about MT103 fields.

How to plan the route of your payment in advance? New article in our blog on SOWSOF Payment Route Planner.

Tracking You SWIFT - Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Sender of the SWIFT can ask his bank to provide GPI tracking. Sometimes bank is not part of GPI network. So you can ask to provide payment reference number or UETR and try it here. Usually you will see the SWIFT payment status, like ACSP (in process) or RJCT (rejected). You will also see the last update time, so you will have a feeling if someone is really working on your transfer.

We rely on large correspondent banks who provide SWIFT GPI Basic tracking services. We aggregate this data so you can have a comprehensive view on what's going on with your payment.

Normally it takes 1-3 days. If you do not receive it in 3 days, it means it is on the manual review. Compliance officers are very busy now, so it can take a while, up to 2 months. Sender of the SWIFT can initiate investigation in his bank to speed up the process.

SWIFT payment is sent with MT103 form. It does have a field 20 which is usually called sender's reference. Each bank in the chain assigns their own reference, so UETR code is more universal. Read more about MT103 fields.

A Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (commonly known as a UETR) is a string of 36 unique characters featured in all payment instruction messages carried over Swift. The format of UETR is XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX. Sometimes you can see it in MT103 form, sometimes not. Sender always can ask his bank to provide UETR code of SWIFT transfer. Read more about UETR in our SWIFT Knowledge Center.

Well, good news, usually it's not lost, but stuck in one of the banks. The most correct approach is to ask your bank to run a payment investigation. Usually it could be done only by a sender. Read more about lost SWIFT.

MT103 form contains all the data regarding your SWIFT transfer. Sender can ask his bank to provide one. You can find not only reference # which is useful for tracking, but also value date which sometimes is different from real date when you sent money. Examples of MT103 / FIN103 documents.

Reference # is assigned by each bank. UETR is universal. However if you call to your bank to ask the status, it's almost impossible to play this game 'a as an apple' with an UETR code. Sender's reference will be much easier in this scenario.

List of correspondent banks (nostro accounts) is part of SSI instructions. Sometimes they are published on official bank's website. Banks normally find it via SWIFTref - non-public database of correspondent relations. You can also order this information here at TrackMySwift. Database of correspondent relations. You can order it directly at bank's page, for example: ABNANL2A - ABN AMRO, BPKOPLPW - PKO BANK POLSKI, CITIDEFF - Citibank Germany.